Sales Skills Development Process

A proven development process designed to improve selling effectiveness. You will develop the skills, attitudes and focus to improve results through a professional, pressure-free selling experience.

The buying arena has changed. Sales techniques that once worked are now ineffective. Selling behaviors that were long rewarded now need to change. Many salespeople are discovering that the behaviors that served them in an order-taking environment are no longer effective. How do you change those behaviors? Can you afford to fall behind with your critical business development skills?

It is becoming increasingly difficult to differentiate our businesses. Buyers are becoming adept at turning goods and services into commodities. We all risk becoming a commodity. How can you respond? One way is to positively differentiate you and your business by the way that you sell.

Traditional sales training taught salespeople to bring the horse to water and make him drink. Our process orientated approach applies proven techniques for making the horse thirsty.

With our customized Sales Development process, you will discover and apply:

  • Why selling isn’t “telling” and how to make the inherent shortcomings of the prototypical “Type A” sales person work for you.
  • A process for developing the four building blocks for sales success: Knowledge, Skills, Attitudes and Habits.
  • The difference between an order taker, a sales person and a selling professional.
  • A new, effective mindset that will allow you to relax and relieve the pressure from both you and your prospects.
  • A method to remove much of the failure involved with prospecting and selling.
  • The principals of the buying and selling process and the steps to a sale.
  • How most buying decisions are made on an emotional level and how and when you can capitalize.
  • Effective networking techniques.
  • How to stop wasting time with suspects and invest your time with qualified prospects.
  • Effective presentation techniques.
  • The power of goal setting and goal planning as tools for personal and professional achievement.
  • How to avoid hearing “your price is too high”.
  • Keys to effective time management habits.
  • How your personal style can conflict with the the style of your prospects and customers and how to adapt and connect.

Training vs. Development

This is not a training program. It is a development process.

In traditional seminar training, information flows so fast it can be like drinking from a fire hose. We’re lucky to come away from seminars with just a few swallows of knowledge that we actually implement. Sales Development is significantly different from sales training. In training, knowledge is transferred from one person to another. Development occurs only when knowledge is internalized, creating a behavioral change that leads to the expression of positive, results-oriented skills.

As the buying and selling landscape continues to change, many of the old selling habits and behaviors are now ineffective. Your livelihood depends on your sales effectiveness. Have your sales skills kept pace with the changes in the buying arena? What are outdated sales techniques costing your business?

If they don’t buy you, they sure aren’t going to buy whatever else it is that you’re selling.

This Personal Development Experience is about becoming a better you.

Our Development Process

Our Sales Development is a series of customized weekly facilitated workshops utilizing proven, copyrighted learning materials. Your facilitator has successfully sold B-to-B manufacturing services, mass market consumer products and consulting services.

Sales Development is available in either a group workshop environment or through one-on-one coaching (private lessons). Sessions are conducted on-sight to minimize participants travel requirements. We offer flexible scheduling avoid interfering with productivity. Virtual sessions in webinar format are a viable option when a single location is not viable.

With all of Vista Development processes, our Comfort Guarantee applies. Our clients typically realize a return on investment of seven to ten times the amount invested in our process.

growth-msThe Results are Measurable

Our active participants can expect a minimum improvement of 20% in sales effectiveness.

  • Increased Sales
  • Increased Market Share
  • Strengthened focus on attracting, keeping and servicing customers.
  • More repeat business
  • Increased share of wallet
  • Competitive business converted
  • Increased Income
  • Accelerated achievement of measurable goals

Critical Issues Covered In This Process

  • CheckThe Need to Reinvent Yourself
  • Enhancing Self Awareness and Rapport
  • The Buying Process
  • Building Attitudes for Positive Results
  • Resistance To Change
  • Prospecting
  • The Role of Goals
  • A Solution to Every Obstacle
  • Referral Sources
  • Centers of Influence
  • The Sales Funnel
  • Communication Skills
  • Appointments
  • The Steps of a Sale (see flow chart below)
  • Effective Questioning Techniques
  • Building a Case for Action
  • Effective Presentations

Are you achieving your potential as a sales professional? We invite you to contact us to discuss turning your potential into performance into profits.

Sales Process

Delivery Format Options:

  • On-sight, Custom Facilitated Workshops: for company sales forces.
  • Webinar format.
  • Heterogeneous Classes: synergistic groups of non-competing businesses (as available).
  • One-on-One Coaching (private lessons)
    • In person at your location
    • In person at our Deerfield Office
    • Via Video Conferencing

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